vineri, 2 decembrie 2011
luni, 21 noiembrie 2011
Poezie Inedita despre un club de fotbal ce a fost odata printre MARILE SIMBOLURI ALE FOTBALULUI ROMANESC!
Un tanar ploiestean, suporter al Petrolului, supranumit de prieteni si de scena cu porecla "DOZE" a compus o capodopera despre primul meci in care vocea tribunei a fost mai blanda si mai subtire, iar din galerie se auzeau strigari timide "Hai Petrolul, Hai Petrolul" , primul meci in care femeile si copiii au avut rolul al 12-lea jucator pentru echipa lui Rachita, in meciul cu FCM Tg. Mures. Dezamagirea a pus stapanire pe tinerii dornici de spectacol fotbalistic inca de la intrarea in stadion, cand au fost controlati pana la ultima radiera din penar de catre steroidizatii masivi, trasi pe "patul lui Prohus" cu uniforme de soldati universali, pe pieptul carora rasare cu un font impunator numele firmei de paza ce a monopolizat aceste servicii..anume BGS sau, pentru cei ce nu stiu: "Becali George Security". Nimic nu avea de-a lungul partidei sa multumeasca suporterilor tineri si feminitatii pentru atmosfera incurajatoare, ba dimpotriva, un gol al echipei lui Trombetta avea sa puna punct sperantelor si sa domoleasca glasurile pline de vlaga. Poate e impropriu spus ca am facut un rezumat al acelei zile istorice in fotbalul romanesc, tinand cont de ce veti citi mai jos, admiratia mea pentru acest om!
Iubito azi te duci la meci
Mâncare-mi sunt covrigii
Să-ţi iei fularul dacă pleci
Că eu rămân pe Digi
Copile azi te duci la meci
Nu mergi la meditaţii
Să-ţi iei fularul dacă pleci
Că eu rămân cu taţii.
Azi mamă tu te duci la meci
Să freamăte tribuna
Şi îţi promit că dacă pleci
Fac piaţa toată luna.
Hai sor-meo că te duci la meci
Să îi urcăm pe garduri
Şi îţi promit că dacă pleci
Îţi cumpăr nişte farduri
Fetiţa mea, să-ţi iei mănuşi
Că astăzi schimbăm roulul
Azi am eu grijă de păpuşi
Tu cânţi pentru Petrolul
Bunico haide că pleci iar
Dar nu la Liturghie
Nu-ţi lua baticul, ia-ţi fular
Că mergi în galerie.
În casă vine-un val de frig
Cred c-a intrat bunica
„La ce m-ai pus maică să strig?
Că n-au jucat nimica!”
Copilul intră abătut
Îl văd trântind fularul
„Sunt supărat că am pierdut
Şi că mi-au luat penarul”
Şi mama vine-ncetişor
O văd că abia merge
„Ce jucători! Ruşine lor!
Puteau măcar s-alerge”
Şi stau pe holul meu cel mic
Să îmi aştept fetiţa
„Măi tată, n-au jucat nimic
Nici Negru nici Opriţa”
Când intră sor-mea e prăpăd
Din glas simt cum stă treaba
„Să pleci cu ei! Să nu te văd!
Am tremurat degeaba”
„Cum de eşti răbdător? Cum poţi? -”
Mă-ntreab-a mea iubită –
„Ce slabi au fost, să plece toţi!
În frunte cu Răchită”
Cum să te-abţii să nu-i înjuri
Când vezi cum dorm în ghete
Ce fotbalişti! Ce murături!
Le-au supărat pe fete.
Cum să fim răbdători cu ei?
Pe bune, nu mai merge!
Pentru copii, pentru femei
Puteau măcar s-alerge!
Vreo două mii de spectatori
N-au alţii nici la derby.
Păi să fi fost noi jucători
Muşcam din firul ierbii.
Cu două mii de spectatori,
Femei doar, in tribune
Băi umbrelor de jucători
Jucaţi şi voi? Pe bune!
Vă credeţi profesionişti?
Nu vă apasă scorul?
Caricaturi de fotbalişti
duminică, 20 noiembrie 2011
CRLP 12 : Liga 1 Bergenbier in FIFA 12
.:: CRLP 12 ::.
FIFA Infinity is back in business in the new season, being the first team who has created a fully authentic league patch for the newest game that is FIFA 12.After the last year succes of CRLP 11, we are back with an even better, more stable version of what you have played last time.Complete Romanian League Patch 12 – Volume 1 is our first step in trying to bring in your FIFA the unique feeling of Liga 1 Bergenbier.The first volume of CRLP 12 will bring the main features of the romanian championship in FIFA 12, plus many new key additions, in order to make sure your experience is indeed, unique. Embark on a 15 years Career and prove your player and manager skills, living moments that you have never had before. Making a closer look to our key features, we are very pleased to confirm the following content in CRLP 12 – v1:
• All 18 Liga 1 Bergenbier teams are fully licensed, containing:
– Up to date rosters (November 18th)
– Home, Away and 3rd kits (11/12 Season)
– High-Quality Logos
– Top notch minifaces
– Real Club Budgets
– Accurate player skills
– Real player heights, weights and birthdays
– Custom Team Tactics & Chants
• Romanian League and Cup featured in both Career Mode and Tournament Mode
• Specific “Liga 1 Bergenbier” stadium adboards, team flags, scoreboards, official balls, and more
• Many other additions and touches to the game
• Small, fast, easy to use and beautiful looking patch installer
– Up to date rosters (November 18th)
– Home, Away and 3rd kits (11/12 Season)
– High-Quality Logos
– Top notch minifaces
– Real Club Budgets
– Accurate player skills
– Real player heights, weights and birthdays
– Custom Team Tactics & Chants
• Romanian League and Cup featured in both Career Mode and Tournament Mode
• Specific “Liga 1 Bergenbier” stadium adboards, team flags, scoreboards, official balls, and more
• Many other additions and touches to the game
• Small, fast, easy to use and beautiful looking patch installer
• Unfortunately, because several new teams have been added, your old career will not work anymore,you must start a new one !!!
• Unfortunately, because several new teams have been added, your old career will not work anymore,you must start a new one !!!
1) After you have downloaded CRLP 12 – Volume 1, open the downloaded file (Complete Romanian League Patch 12 – Volume 1), starting this way the addon Installer.
2) Make sure to select your FIFA 12 Folder (not the “Game” one !!!) when asked to browse your main FIFA folder path. For example, if your FIFA is installed in “D:\Games\FIFA 12″, select this directory in the Installer box and wait until the process is being finished.
3) Enjoy the first authentic league patch for FIFA 12 !
2) Make sure to select your FIFA 12 Folder (not the “Game” one !!!) when asked to browse your main FIFA folder path. For example, if your FIFA is installed in “D:\Games\FIFA 12″, select this directory in the Installer box and wait until the process is being finished.
3) Enjoy the first authentic league patch for FIFA 12 !
In case you dont see the Liga I try the next steps:
1) Go to “My Fifa -> Edit -> Edit Squads -> Reset Squads”
2) Regenerate using iard86 Regenerator (1st option)
1) Go to “My Fifa -> Edit -> Edit Squads -> Reset Squads”
2) Regenerate using iard86 Regenerator (1st option)
Chants Installation:
• Go to your FIFA 12 main folder, where you will find a folder called “Chants”. Copy all the folders located inside, and I repeat, inside this folder (not the folder itself) in your Windows “My Music” folder.
• When you are in game, find the “Customise FIFA” section -> “My Music & Chants” -> “Custom Music & Chants” -> “Leagues and Teams”
• Now, you are prompted in a place in which you will choose your desired league and team to import chants to. Navigate the section until you find Liga 1 and your favorite team. There, you will see a list with things likes “Stadium Entrance”, “Crowd Chant” etc. You will now have to replace both “Stadium Entrance” and “Crowd Chant” that are set to the “Default” playlist by simply clicking on “Default” and choosing the correct playlist, as you should see a list there aswell. For example, if you want to hear Rapid Bucharest anthem in the beginning of the match, go to “Stadium Entrance” section, you will see many files there and you have to search until you find “Rapid Imn”, select that one with the following option: “Apply to selected event” and do the same with the “Crowd Chant” section which is located below, by simply searching for “Rapid” playlist, applying it with the same “Selected Event” option and that’s pretty much it.
If you want to have chants for all teams (about 15 teams have at least one chant), you will have to repeat this last step for all of them. Do not forget that some teams do not have “Stadium Entrance” files, and Dinamo Bucharest has a specific “Team Goal” chant, which can be applied by going into the “Team Goal” section -> “Dinamo Gol” file -> “Apply to selected event”.
Media Section
• Go to your FIFA 12 main folder, where you will find a folder called “Chants”. Copy all the folders located inside, and I repeat, inside this folder (not the folder itself) in your Windows “My Music” folder.
• When you are in game, find the “Customise FIFA” section -> “My Music & Chants” -> “Custom Music & Chants” -> “Leagues and Teams”
• Now, you are prompted in a place in which you will choose your desired league and team to import chants to. Navigate the section until you find Liga 1 and your favorite team. There, you will see a list with things likes “Stadium Entrance”, “Crowd Chant” etc. You will now have to replace both “Stadium Entrance” and “Crowd Chant” that are set to the “Default” playlist by simply clicking on “Default” and choosing the correct playlist, as you should see a list there aswell. For example, if you want to hear Rapid Bucharest anthem in the beginning of the match, go to “Stadium Entrance” section, you will see many files there and you have to search until you find “Rapid Imn”, select that one with the following option: “Apply to selected event” and do the same with the “Crowd Chant” section which is located below, by simply searching for “Rapid” playlist, applying it with the same “Selected Event” option and that’s pretty much it.
If you want to have chants for all teams (about 15 teams have at least one chant), you will have to repeat this last step for all of them. Do not forget that some teams do not have “Stadium Entrance” files, and Dinamo Bucharest has a specific “Team Goal” chant, which can be applied by going into the “Team Goal” section -> “Dinamo Gol” file -> “Apply to selected event”.
Media Section
• virtual_razvan – Database, kits, minifaces and GUI
• Damien – Database, minifaces and fonts
• The-Clau – Kits
• new maker – Kits
• mihai20cm – Kits
• mogolos – Kits
• darxxx – Balls
• LcK – Flags
• Merdiso – Team chants and installer programming
• ANBSeth – DigiSport ScoreBoard
• virtual_razvan – Database, kits, minifaces and GUI
• Damien – Database, minifaces and fonts
• The-Clau – Kits
• new maker – Kits
• mihai20cm – Kits
• mogolos – Kits
• darxxx – Balls
• LcK – Flags
• Merdiso – Team chants and installer programming
• ANBSeth – DigiSport ScoreBoard
! Special Thanks to Rinaldo for his amazing DB Master 12, jor1980 for his Texture Editor, Microsoft for Excel and many thanks to iard68 for his FIFA 12 Regenerator !
* You cannot re-upload this patch!You can redistribute this patch only and only using the link of the post! *
Please try to post in english so that everyone can answer your questions and help you with your problems of the patch!
If you find any bugs or want to help us improving the database please post bellow or contact us here!
Enjoy and have fun!
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